Un gradito e bellissimo articolo su Urban Italy, un blog unico che cattura l'attenzione per i suoi articoli e recensioni interessanti e ricercati. New seat­ing from old bar­rels, an unique patio from reclaimed flags, even an entire con­tem­po­rary Tus­can home from sea­soned and sal­vaged mate­ri­als: that’s what Ses­tini & Corti do, zealously. Estab­lished 40-odd years ago in the hills out­side Siena to sup­ply supe­rior tra­di­tional build­ing mate­ri­als, locally crafted or reclaimed, the fam­ily firm evolved with an ever-keener eye for research and design. Today they work with mas­ter arti­sans to make unique fur­ni­ture using mel­lowed wood, iron and stone, and col­lab­o­rate with archi­tects and cre­ative clients on inte­rior and exte­rior ren­o­va­tions fea­tur­ing ven­er­a­ble mate­ri­als oth­ers were fools enough to discard. The show­room in the 18th-century farm­house where Ses­tini & Corti orig­i­nally set up shop is a trove of con­tem­po­rary designs with the tex­tures and char­ac­ter of antiques (tables, chairs and stools, mir­rors and shelv­ing, what­ever the mate­ri­als inspired) and of orig­i­nal antique and... continuate a leggere l'articolo sul blog!


